"It is as if dolphins can transfer a spark of lightness to humans."

Familientherapeutin Christiane Kiegeland
Familientherapeutin Christiane Kiegeland

Welcome to my office for Systemic Family Therapy! 


When we watch dolphins in their own community, we get the impression, that they must be doing something right... They have complex relationships, they play and cooperate with each other - also across groups. The new generation is raised together, whales and dolphins divide up the work. Everyone is allowed just to be, and have room for him- or herself. 


This is my ideal: when every person gets the space that he or she needs, then we can meet freely and without restrictions. Then there is less conflict and less struggle.

A harmonious, peaceful coexistence is then possible, in which each member of the community can develop as a person and 

discover his or her potential.  





My services

Couples and Families

Do you argue a lot with your partner or your children, or with both? Do you have the impression, that your children have changed, and you do not recognize them anymore? Is illness part of your every day life? Do you wish for a better relationship with your loved ones?


There are many reasons to get support.

Systemic Therapy for individuals

Do you often feel under pressure?  Not up to the complex demands of our time? Are you chasing after life instead of being right in the middle of it?  


With or without family responsibilites - life always holds new challenges in stock for us. Sometimes they get so big, that we do not seem to have the tools to cope with them. 

Just relax


 Simply getting away from it all...


Do you feel trapped in your daily duties and disputes, going round in a circle? Do you first need to "shut down" and calm down, before you can deal with the things that are currently making your life difficult?


In this case a foot reflexology massage could be just the right thing for you. With this, I can help you relax and calm down.  

You can find possibilities in every crisis - let us discover them together! 

This is what my Clients say