"I love all those who dare to dive deep. They are like the whales of the oceans. No one can reach the bottom..."
Herman Melville
For more than 20 years I have been working with children, teeangers and their families in a wide variety of fields. I have insight into family structures with the most diverse backgrounds, and I observe contexts and relationships. I am interested in human (and other) systems, the interrelations in them and the question, how to support the individual members of those systems.
When a child is born, he or she is perfect. Personality and character are there from the first day on, and both are being formed from the very beginning. However, forming also means limitation and restriction. The reasons for this are to be found in the conditions and needs of the family, the surrounding society, the school and other factors of influence.
Boundaries are necessary. Children learn to find their place and their way around in the society they live in. Too many restrictions, however, can cause dependency, lead to power struggles and to - potentially gruelling - conflicts. The result is that children do not reach their full potential and that they do not grow up to be the personalities they could become. Even adults still feel these limitations.
I want to support people in family contexts and couple relationships to free themselves from old restrictions, to develop freely and to also give this possibilty to their children, so that these can grow up without unnecessary limitations.
If every person gets the space he or she needs, then there is no need to fight for it. Not only can we then live peacefully together, but we can also attend to our real purpose - and, in doing so, help to make this world a better place.
I grew up in the Rhineland and have for many years been living in Berlin with my husband, children and three cats. Early on, I became interested in family and social structures and their impact on the development of the personality, and so I decided to study Pedagogics/Education, Elocution, Rhetorical Speech Studies and Psychology in Marburg. Simultaneously, I completed an additional qualification in Outdoor Education/Adventure Based Counseling (BSJ in Marburg). Afterwards, I had the opportunity to work at the Barretstown Gang Camp in Ireland where I worked with seriously ill children and their families focusing principally on methods of adventure education combined with the concept of Therapeutic Recreation. In short, the essence of Therapeutic Recreation is, that one recuperates, gets better by doing something one likes. This experience had a very strong impact on both my professional and my private life.
In combination with my subsequent work experiences in youth welfare service: children and youth with behavioural and aggression issues, my work as an anti-violence coach, as well as my long-standing teaching activities, I gravitated towards the Systemic Approach. This is why I studied to become a Systemic Family Therapist at the Berliner Institut für Familientherapie (BIF) in Berlin, in 2009. While I am still active in child and youth work, in 2011 I opened my centre for Systemic Family Therapy in Berlin-Steglitz.